
Interesting Items From Today’s WCCC Agenda

Posted in Commissioners Court, T. Don Hutto, Williamson County at 3:27 pm by wcnews

Complete Agenda for June 17, 2008.

# 28: Consider authorizing project budget transfer of 2006 Road Bond monies per recommendation of Mike Weaver, Road Bond Manager: P177 Safety & Mobility move $550,000.00 to P185 Travel Demand Model Update for Williamson County.

They hiring the consulting firm URS to do a transportation demand model. Should be fun. It will include updating demographic information, incorporating city and county roadwork plans, a map, and a public hearing.

# 29: Discuss and consider approving a modification to incorporate the federal Service Contract Act into the Intergovernmental Service Agreement between Williamson County and Immigration Customs and Enforcement.

States that CCA must adhere to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and pay the prevailing wage at T. Don Hutto (TDH). Translation minimum wage at TDH is $5.85/hour.

# 32: Discuss and take appropriate action on hiring Kerry Russell to assist Williamson County on Landfill Contract.

Not sure what to make of this. Russell is a partner at Russell & Rodriguez, LLP. He once called the county’s deal with WMI “highway robbery“, and once represented Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) CEO Bob Gregory. Maybe this is part of TDS “put[ting] their money where their mouth is”?

# 37: Consider adopting salaries and other compensation (per diem) for elected officials and authorize publication of notice.

Elected officials salary increases. Click here to download [.xls].

1 Comment »

  1. FedUp said,

    June 17, 2008 at 4:21 pm

    # 32: I’m telling you now, Williamson County will be Texas’s State dump. In the end, that’s all Wilco will ever be known as. Nothing but a trashy county. And theres nothing anyone can do about it.

    Better go and get stock in this endevor. Why should the elected officials be the only ones to reep the rewards?

    It STINKS!

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