Posted in Commentary at 2:15 pm by wcnews
I found this recent Op-Ed from the Rio Grande Guardian very informative, The Myth of the ‘One Size-fits-All’ Hispanic. Here’s a long excerpt: There is no doubt that the scope of Spanish-descent citizens in the U.S. is impressive. They live throughout the country and their numbers are huge. Based on the 2010 census, about 50 [...]
Posted in Around The State, Commentary, Inequality, Poverty, The Budget, The Economy at 9:21 pm by wcnews
This recent Center for Budget and Policy Priorities paper on the “Texas Model” tells the tale pretty well, The Texas Economic Model: Hard for Other States to Follow and Not All It Seems. As it states Texas just has some built-in advantages that most states don’t have. From the introduction: Whatever its boosters may say, [...]
Posted in Around The State, Commentary, Elections at 2:54 pm by wcnews
As noted in a recent post one of the reasons that Democrats in Texas are struggling is because “.. Democrats have been far too slow in embrace minorities and women as the new base of the party”. This recent DMN article highlights the issue, Hispanic voter numbers slip even as population soars. As the fastest-growing [...]
Posted in 2012 Primary, Around The Nation, Around The State, Election 2012 at 2:33 pm by wcnews
Six months ago Rick Perry was on top of the world and seemed like he had the best chance to be the anti-Romney if he decided to enter the GOP presidential primary. But that was last summer and probably seems like an eternity to Perry loyalists and supporters. His decline, now complete, was swift. One interesting dynamic [...]
Posted in 2012 Primary, Around The State, Election 2012, Health Care, jobs, The Economy, Williamson County at 1:55 pm by wcnews
“We have a senator who’s good for business,” he said. “It’s time for us to have a senator that’s good for the people of this state.” - Former Democratic state Rep. Paul Sadler speaking on why he decided to run for US Senate. [LINK] For some time our politics and economics have been steered by an [...]
Posted in Around The State, Commentary at 10:10 am by wcnews
The Texas Progressive Alliance has no plans to move to the Southeastern Conference or the PAC 12 as it brings you this week’s roundup. Off the Kuff notes that the federal court in San Antonio has issued an injunction preventing the state from implementing its new redistricting maps, and that until preclearance is granted it [...]
Posted in Around The Nation, Commentary, Election 2012, Had Enough Yet?, jobs, The Economy, Unemployment at 12:09 pm by wcnews
It didn’t have to be like this. Suffice it to say, that thus far, Obama has been a disappointment as President. Not a failure, but there are many things he should have done, and hasn’t, that have caused disappointment. Mainly his capitulation to corporations and the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us. Looking back [...]
Posted in Around The State, jobs, The Economy, Unemployment at 12:10 pm by wcnews
Krugman on Texas jobs and Rick Perry, Texas Tales. Wages in Texas are low, and have probably fallen relative to those in slower-growth states. On the other hand, the cost of living is low, largely thanks to cheap housing. What we don’t see is either the productivity surge or the wage surge we would have [...]
Posted in Around The Nation, Around The State, Bad Government Republicans, Commentary, Had Enough Yet?, Money In Politics, Privatization at 11:15 am by wcnews
Anyone who is confounded about what’s been happening in the Texas legislature, especially why the corporations get coddled and the taxpayers keep getting the shaft, must get to know and understand ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council). In the current issue of The Nation John Nichols headlines a series of articles, ALEC Exposed, and introduces [...]
Posted in Around The State, Commentary at 8:40 am by wcnews
The Texas Progressive Alliance is ready to say “Sine Die” for the second time as it brings you this week’s roundup. The Congressional map got its final legislative approval, and Off the Kuff analyzes the new districts. This week WCNews at Eye On Williamson posts on the (in)action at The Lege. Quorums were broken and [...]
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