
Voter IDiocy - the single most important issue facing Texas today

Posted in Around The State, Bad Government Republicans, Elections, Had Enough Yet?, Right Wing Lies, The Lege, Uncategorized at 9:32 am by wcnews

UPDATED: 3/11/09 12:08pm by dembones: Texas Democratic Party Chair Boyd Richie’s statement is included below. The Senate finally finished its marathon, almost 24-hour, “Committee of the Whole” debate and hearing on the “Voter ID” (Senate Bill 362). Other than GOP Senator’s frothing and gamesmanship it’s unlikely anything productive will come from this. One refrain from […]


Perry, Iran, And Voter IDiocy?

Posted in Around The State, Elections, Had Enough Yet? at 11:07 am by wcnews

(Saw this after I posted, Vince was on it first.) How do those three go together one might ask. It’s simple actually. Apparently Iran is the best issue that Gov. Perry can think of to call a special session about. It will also allow him and his party to try and pass Voter IDiocy legislation […]


Dewhurst Still Misleading On Voter IDiocy

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Elections at 11:07 am by wcnews

Still lamenting the fact that Voter IDiocy didn’t pass the legislature the Lt. Gov. is still saying misleading things like this about it: “I was disappointed we did not get a voter ID program out there,” said Dewhurst, who asserted there’s evidence of “thousands and thousands and thousands” of non-citizens voting in Texas. “This is […]


Voter IDiocy - More On The Fraud Fraud

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Elections at 11:06 am by wcnews

Juan Castillo has a good expose (except for his quoting of indicted money launderer John Clolyandro) on what a sham Voter IDiocy is, Voter ID debate replete with drama, but is voter fraud an urgent problem? He does a good job, using only the words of Republicans, to show that there is no problem. And […]


Voter IDiocy - A GOP Scam Plain And Simple

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The Nation, Around The State, Corruption, Elections at 10:46 pm by wcnews

Voter suppression, minority voter suppression to be specific, is the only reason they’re attempting this. Efforts to stop `voter fraud’ may have curbed legitimate voting. During four years as a Justice Department civil rights lawyer, Hans von Spakovsky went so far in a crusade against voter fraud as to warn of its dangers under a […]


Voter IDiocy, Still A Solution Without A Problem

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Commentary, Elections, Had Enough Yet? at 11:17 am by wcnews

More on the fact that voter fraud, as an issue that swings elections, does not exist. From these two links below that refer us back the the Heflin-Vo race of 2004. In trying to win, has Dewhurst lost a friend? Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us […]


Voter IDiocy Back In Play?

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Elections, The Lege at 11:39 pm by wcnews

Sen. Gallegos has to go back to Houston to for health reasons. Texas Politics and QR are reporting. From Texas Politcs: Sen. Mario Gallegos is headed back to Houston for a surgical procedure and is not sure whether he will return to Austin for the remainder of the session, according to his spokesman Harold Cook. […]

Voter IDiocy Is A Sham, But You Already Knew That

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Elections, Had Enough Yet?, The Lege at 11:27 am by wcnews

Former Republican political director Royal Masset again blows up the GOP talking points on voter fraud, “It’s a lie”. Royal Masset knows as much about the nuts and bolts of Republican politics as anyone in Texas. He spent 15 years as the political director of the Republican Party of Texas. And during that period, Masset […]


HB 218 (Voter IDiocy) In The Senate - UPDATED

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Elections, Had Enough Yet?, The Lege at 11:54 am by wcnews

Tip to Pinkdome that the bill was coming to the floor. Sen. Whitmire was on the floor and his vote didn’t get counted. He’s pissed, and Dewhurst is getting his panties in a wad, threatens to throw Sen. Whitmire off the floor if he doesn’t compose himself. They’re going to vote again to suspend, Dewhurst […]


The Citizenship Test & Voter IDiocy - UPDATED

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Commentary, Elections at 10:18 am by wcnews

It appears that Rep. Phil King’s citizenship test bill (HB 626) is headed to the trash heap this session, despite the talk of compromise yesterday. Here’s what Vince at Capitol Annex has to say about it. Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford) was all set this morning with a floor substitute which was essentially no better than […]

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