
County Hires New Director For Animal Shelter

Posted in Animal Shelter, Williamson County at 12:37 am by wcnews

As is the MO of the county government they won’t tell us, yet, who the new director is. Shelter Concerns speculates as to who it might be. AAS has this story, mostly on the new kennel supervisor, Williamson hires new leaders for struggling facility.

Williamson County officials have hired a new director and a new supervisor to run the struggling regional animal shelter, County Judge Dan A. Gattis said Monday.

Ethel Spence, previously an animal control supervisor for the City of Giddings, will oversee kennel workers and starts work Friday. County officials would not release the name or background of the new director Monday.

“Both ladies have a lot of experience in animal shelters,” Gattis said. “I think they’re going to make a good team.”

Officials hope the change in leadership will be a turning point for the 5-month-old shelter, which has faced high turnover, animal health concerns and a criminal investigation.

They hired a very competent director to begin with. Let’s hope this time they will let the professionals make the decisions, and allow them the resources they need to run the shelter as it needs to be run. .

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