
Is Sen. Ogden Thinking About Running For Congress In CD 17?

Posted in Central Texas, Commentary, Congress, Election 2008, SD 5, The Lege, Williamson County at 4:07 pm by wcnews

When a state senator pens an Op-Ed regarding a national issue that his current position has little or nothing to do with it grabs my attention. In today’s AAS state Sen. Steve Ogden (R-Bryan) throws around GOP talking points and “strawman arguments” like they’re going out of style in an Op-Ed about why we should “stay the course” in war on terror (WOT). If Ogden was planning to stay in the legislature it would seem more fitting for him to be writing an Op-Ed about tuition deregulation, Community College funding, or trasnportation funding, issues he could do something about in his current position, and not the WOT.

Seeing a state senator pontificate on a national issue like this naturally leads those of us that are politically inclined to speculate as to why a state senator would do this. EOW’s first thought is ambition. What would be next in the pecking order, at the national level, for a state senator? That’s right, Congress. Well Bryan, Texas just happens to be part of CD 17, which is currently held by Democrat Chet Edwards who is always at or near the top of the GOP’s target list.

I haven’t looked at Ogden’s finances but he probably doesn’t need to worry too much about it, whoever wins the GOP nomination can count on money in this race. If he runs we’ll assume the GOP field will be cleared for him. One issue Ogden may have, if he runs, is that it’s been a while since he’s had to seriously campaign, if ever. Last I heard the GOP was trying to bring in a “ringer” right-winger from Virginia to challenge Edwards but that may have fallen through. Ogden already has name ID in the district, and maybe he’s ready to get out of the Austin and take a shot at Congress.

Of course if he did run it would mean big changes in Williamson County. I’m sure Dan Gattis, Jr. would look to move up from the house. Who would take his place? Word on the street is that current Precinct 3 County Commissioner Valerie Covey or Precinct 2 County Commissioner Cynthia Long could run in HD 20. Who takes her place? Well you’d have to ask the Republicans in Sun City. This is all just speculation at this point, but if it’s gonna happen the seat shuffle needs to start soon.

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