
Reality Check

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:02 am by wcnews

As we all sit and rejoice at Tom DeLay resigning we need to keep one thing in mind. It’s him and people like him that are the cause of so much that has gone wrong with our country. And until they’re all gone or out of power this will continue.
Think of things like Medicare Plan D. It never would have passed without the bribery that took place by DeLay while a vote was held open on the house floor for a record time. (As a humorous aside on the Medicare Plan D program read this link.) Tom DeLay and those like him have sat by and not only offered no check on the president but are responsible for the current “Culture of Corruption” and have no sense of remorse or shame. From these so-called conservatives we have deficits bigger than when Reagan and Daddy were president, I didn’t think anyone could run deficits higher than Reagan. But we all know high deficits are just part of the plan. They’ve already started to cut social programs while continuing to cut taxes. Do you think that will create higher deficits? Remember it’s all part of their plan to roll back the New Deal. If any of you lived through the depression or had parents or grandparents (like me) that did - I’m sure you heard the stories too - then you know there was no middle class before the New Deal. And if these so-called conservatives have their way, and are able to finish their plan, there won’t be a middle class when they’re done. Just look at the minimum wage issue., and how many states are taking the lead because the Republicans at the Federal level won’t touch it. Hmm…cheap labor that goes right along with why the corporatist/globalist Republicans don’t mind illegal immigration.
The war they are responsible for starting and continuing to “rubber-stamp” continues to get worse by the day (10 soldiers died in Irag yesterday). They think that it can still be won. Well read this and then see what you think, Uncertainty…

The point of this post is to, once again, try and make people understand and know that REPUBLICANS CONTROL CONGRESS. But not only Congress they control every branch of government, in Texas too! If you don’t like the way things are going the Republicans are to blame. The Democrats have no check on their power. Is one party rule what we need in a Democracy? I don’t think so. What I have to say to the people of TX-31 and TX-22 is, if you want to have your representative in Congress be in the new majority in the next Congress you need to elect a Democrat.

TX-31, Mary Beth Harrell

TX-22 Nick Lampson

1 Comment »

  1. Capitol Annex » From The Blogs, April 4, 2006 (UPDATED) said,

    April 4, 2006 at 1:26 pm

    […] Texas Blogs on DeLay: Dallas Blog: DeLay to Leave Congress; Hutopia: Ding, Dong; Annatopia: It Couldn’t Have Happened To A Nicer Guy; Blue Texas: Tom DeLay Resigns; Brains and Eggs: Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish; Bride of Acheron: Good News Tonight; Casual Soap Box: Tom DeLay To Step Down; Daily DeLay: DeLay To Step Down; Dos Centavos: Things Fall Apart; Eye On Williamson: DeLay Is Out; Greg’s Opinion: Let The Silly Season Begin; In The Pink Texas: Holy Mother…; Latinos for Texas: Tom DeLay Not Running; Lone Star Times has a full transcript of DeLay’s announcement; see also: Panhandle Truth Squad, People’s Republic of Seabrook, The Red State, Rick Perry vs. The World, Right of Texas, South Texas Chisme, Supreme Irony of Life; Texas Safety Forum; Texas Whip, Three Wise Men; Winding Road In Urban Area, Yellow Doggerel Democrat. [[NEWEST UPDATES: Austin Centrist on DeLay’s Legacy; DallasBlog says the GOP is Scrambling for DeLay’s Replacement; Annatopia on the Morning After; Bay Area Houston Blog: The Corruption Has Ended; Burnt Orange Report: DeLayed Thoughts; Eye on Williamson: Reality Check; Greg: Let The Spin Game Begin; Just Another Blog: Nick Lampson’s Response; Pink Dome: Fun Photoshop Submissions; South Texas Chisme: Throw Tom From The Train; Texas Politics: Out of State While Under Indictment In Texas?; Texas Weekly’s Notebook: Without DeLay]] Texas Blogs with multiple pieces: Burnt Orange Report has Chris Bell’s statement on the DeLay Resignation, the latest on a possible replacement candidate’s website being under construction; discusses if the DeLay resignation trigger a special election; and its original story. Just Another Blog: DeLay Brings Down Party; DeLay To Resign; Off The Kuff: Morning DeLay Roundup; DeLay To Drop Out; Pink Dome: Career Advice for DeLay; Tom DeLay Will Call It Quits; The Agonist: The Travails of Pussycat Tom DeLay; Agonist was also THE FIRST out with Chris Bell’s official statement, The Bugman Gets Exterminated; Tom DeLay out of the Race; Capitol Annex: Digesting The Story; Sheila Jackson Lee on the DeLay Announcement; Last Night’s Coverage. […]

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