
End The Weak Editorials On The Gas Tax

Posted in 80th Legislature, Around The State, Road Issues at 10:17 pm by wcnews

Like this one from the SAEN, Gutsy hike in gas tax belongs on the table. With lines like this in it:

Lawmakers should seriously consider pursuing legislation that indexes the gas tax to the highway index rather than the consumer index.


An indexed gas tax should receive a fair trial.

There’s nothing gutsy about this editorial or the attempt that will take place on getting the gas tax raised, first of all. Trying to prod a bunch of corporate toll frenzied politicians like Gov. Perry and Rep. Krusee to seriously consider pursuing raising the gas tax is like asking President Bush to seriously consider getting out of Iraq. And asking for it to receive a fair trial is a joke. Krusee will put it out there but only because he knows it’s guaranteed NOT to pass. No, what the SAEN should be saying is that if the legislature and the governor want to solve our transportation problems in Texas in the most economical and equitable fashion they MUST raise and index the gas tax. Now that would be gutsy.

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