
Rep. Krusee Goes To London

Posted in 80th Legislature, Williamson County at 1:27 pm by wcnews

The Krusee follies continue, Krusee shown voting in House while in London.

It’s not every day a state legislator travels overseas while voting in the Texas House.

But that was the case today for Rep. Mike Krusee, R-Williamson County, whose chief of staff told a group this morning that Krusee flew to London on Wednesday for a business meeting with Prince Charles.

Members of the Leadership Taylor 2007 group said they were told Krusee, a businessman, went to England at the request of the Prince of Wales, who wanted to discuss business development.[…]

Ted Delisi, Krusee’s political consultant, said the trip was not funded by a lobbyist — unlike trips taken by Krusee cited in a report issued this week, and subsequently amended, by Texans for Public Justice.

It’s not clear when Krusee left Texas. He was shown recording votes on the House floor into Wednesday evening. Just before 7 p.m., after a verification of votes on a proposal, House Speaker Tom Craddick, R-Midland, announced Krusee was excused on account of business.

Krusee was recorded as present in the House’s roll call today and then was shown recording votes about 25 times as members gave final approvals to measures. Rep. Marc Veasey, D-Fort Worth, who sits at the desk in front of Krusee, could be seen punching the vote button on Krusee’s desk, not an uncommon practice in the chamber.

Delisi said members voting for other members has long been a “global issue,” perhaps best addressed by Craddick.

Oops! If it’s global maybe the Prince can help?

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » More On TxDOT’s PR Blitz That The Legislature Demanded said,

    September 7, 2007 at 8:12 am

    […] Mike Krusee won’t be reelected. This guy is just tone deaf. Did he spend the whole session in London? Here’s what he thinks the legislature “demanded” last session by passing two […]

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