
TDP On Protests At T. Don Hutto

Posted in Criminal Justice, Privatization, T. Don Hutto, Williamson County at 11:29 pm by wcnews

The Taylor Daily Press has a news reporter, Tessa Moll, and here’s her first article on TDH, it’s a good one - Protesters visit Taylor despite cancellation of UN envoy’s tour. She was out amongst the protesters getting quotes and snapping pictures. I like this quote the best:

“How can we demand that other countries allow UN inspectors, while we won’t?” asked Anita Lopez, a member of The Galleons Organization, an Hispanic advocacy group. Lopez joined a group of protesters outside the immigration detention facility and held a sign that read “No child left behind bars.”

Later there’s this on the Rep. Rodriguez sponsored resolution (HCR 64) currently in the legislature:

Jina Gayton, a San Antonio resident, gathered signatures at the vigil to urge Texas legislators to discuss HCR 64, a house concurrent resolution to seek more humane alternatives for those currently in ICE custody.

The resolution, authored by state Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, and Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, is currently awaiting a hearing in the House State Affairs Committee. The committee chair, state Rep. David Swinford, R-Amarillo, must bring the issue to the committee, but a spokeswoman from Swinford’s office said he has no intention to do so.

Welcome to Williamson County Tessa you’re off to a great start.

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