
The Craddick Situation, Blogs & Traditional Media

Posted in 80th Legislature, Commentary, The Lege at 10:03 am by wcnews

I think it’s rather interesting that Burka is already calling the race over and most of the major papers in Texas are just starting to analyze the dynamics of the “coup”.

Startelgram, Rumors fly about effort to oust Craddick. They mention Burka:

Whispers of a gathering revolt have been heard throughout the Capitol all session. But the rumors became public over the weekend when Wallace, a Republican Party official from Lampasas, warned his fellow GOP activists of a plot.

Wallace’s letter, splashed into cyberspace by Texas Monthly’s BurkaBlog, urged the Republican faithful to pressure several GOP House members whose loyalty to the speaker had come into question. Some on the list denied being part of a movement to depose Craddick. Others wouldn’t say. “I am not unseating the speaker in the middle of a session,” said Rep. John Otto, R-Dayton, a rising star in the GOP caucus who wondered aloud why he was named in Wallace’s letter. “I’m not part of any organized effort.”


Rep. Mike Krusee, R-Round Rock, also took a pass, saying the selection of a House leader should remain out of public view. “Speakers’ races are for members to discuss,” Krusee said. “I wouldn’t discuss my decision with the press no matter what I was doing.”


But (Rep. Jim Dunnam, D-Waco) said if Craddick falls in the next two weeks, which is all that’s left of the 2007 session, it will be an internal matter of the majority party. Dunnam also vowed to oppose any motion to take Craddick out unless he has some idea about a replacement. “I would want to know why and what the alternatives were,” Dunnam said. “I can’t find a Democrat who knows anything other than the rumors.”

DMN, Whispers grow louder about Craddick’s future.

But to hear many House members tell it, it’s a matter of when, not if. That would be a surprising downfall for a man who has ruled the chamber with absolute authority since 2003, when he earned the job he toiled three decades in the House to get.

SAEN, Foes talk of ousting Craddick.

“There are more than 76 House members (a majority) who want a new speaker. There are not 76 votes for any one person (successor) at this point,” (Rep. Garnet Coleman, D-Houston) said.

AAS chimes in with this, Possible rebels weigh political consequences and fate of legislation.

Rep. Dan Gattis, R-Georgetown, last week consulted with Craddick during the procedural challenge and then encouraged colleagues to vote against the speaker, as he did. But he said Monday he would not support an effort to remove Craddick before the session’s end.

“I don’t think it’s right for the body, for the membership, to be put through that mess,” Gattis said. “Ultimately, what would be the reason? The only reason is so that somebody else could become speaker. And to put the body through that without running a legitimate speaker’s race, I just don’t think that’s the right way to do it.”

I’m sure Rep. Gattis is well aware of the reason. At the bottom of th article they detail their four scenarios for a coup:

  • The palace coup: A motion to remove the speaker is submitted in the House during this session.
  • Sine die pledge party: Weak response to speaker’s bid for future support leaves him vulnerable.
  • Guerrilla war: Challengers woo those up for House seats through campaign season.
  • Grinch Who Stole Christmas II: Foes move as the 2009 session begins, as they did at the start of this one.

Postcards also has this discussion about how the “palace coup” might go down, it’s never been done before.

Rumors, and the ensuing analysis of them, are handled much better online as opposed to print media. Not to mention liveblogging and breaking news. Blog readers are already aware of most of what was reported in the newspapers today about the Craddick situation. That is not to say that anything above isn’t worth reading and isn’t’ well done. It’s the reason Burka go into blogging and most newspapers are blogging the lege, it’s really the most timely way to cover it now. Blog it as it happens, with full analysis to come later online, and in the print edition.

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