
Rep. Mike Krusee Calls Conservatives “A Bunch Of Nuts”

Posted in Around The Nation, Around The State, Privatization, Road Issues at 12:03 pm by wcnews

In an article from the St. Louis Dispatch on the “conspiracy theory” of a North American Union, Urban legend of `North American Union’ feeds on fears, Rep. Krusee has this to say.

Rep. Mike Krusee, R-Texas, who is chairman of the state’s House Transportation Committee, says that he knows of no plans to build a superhighway through Texas and that those who think otherwise are “a bunch of nuts.”

He alleges that commentators who talk of a NAFTA highway or the like are exploiting people’s fears.

“It’s jingoistic pandering,” Krusee said. “Pat Buchanan can try to sell some newspapers and Lou Dobbs can try to get more people to watch his little shows, but I’ve never heard of it. Certainly, it has never been discussed at any level of government in Texas.”

Beside the insults Rep. Krusee is just a little too sure that nothing is going on. He probably knowsnothing about this group, North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO), which is a conglomeration of government - state and county - and business interests form the US, Canada and Mexico. Check out their board and it’s members from the United States, surely some of the names will ring a bell. Whether there’s a plan for a “North American Union” or not it’s apparent that these governments are working together to build a SuperCorridor through North America. Now let’s have a debate, without name calling, as to whether or not that what we, the people, want.

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