
Moratorium - Where Is It? - UPDATED

Posted in Privatization, 80th Legislature, Road Issues, Around The State at 9:32 am by wcnews

Last we heard SB 792 was supposedly on some kind of “fast-track” through the legislature and to the governor’s desk. Like so many other things this session it must have gotten caught up in the great Texas GOP leadership vortex of ‘07. There was no change to the bill (SB 792) yesterday and beyond what CorridorWatch is reporting the House conferees still haven’t been named.

CorridorWatch also realizes that, unfortunately, the legislature has again done nothing to help their cause - scroll down until you see, Have We Been Sold Out? Afraid So!.

Once again we ask, Will Our Senators and Representatives Continue Standing-Up For the People of Texas?

Unfortunately they can’t continue because they haven’t actually stood up for the people of Texas yet. Saying it and actually getting it done are two totally different things. Just see Sen. John Carona over the last 6 months. We had an election and the same people were back that spearheaded this effort in the first place. Without Perry and Krusee things would be much, much different.

The Chronic spots a dejected Perry.

[UPDATE]: We’ve got House conferees, tip to QR:

Senate Conferees: Appointed (05/18/2007) Williams (Chair) | Brimer | Carona | Nichols | Shapleigh

House Conferees: Appointed (05/22/2007) Smith, Wayne (Chair) | Harless | Kolkhorst | Phillips | Pickett

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