
Craddick Humor

Posted in 80th Legislature, Commentary, The Lege at 8:26 am by wcnews

John Kelso says, Take Craddick’s belongings and throw them on the Capitol lawn.

If Texas lawmakers really want to throw House Speaker Tom Craddick out of the building, what they should do is pick up all of his stuff and set it on the Capitol lawn.


Mention Craddick’s name and the words “mean,” “small” and “autocratic” come up. I’ve heard him called autocratic so often I’m surprised they haven’t started calling him Otto — as in “Otto” Craddick.

So nevermind being civilized.

Just wait till he’s not there. Then send a moving crew of members into his posh 2,000-square-foot apartment behind the House chamber, and leave his stuff out on the Capitol lawn on bulky trash day.

Yeah, I know, the speaker’s apartment is a big ‘un, and he’s got a lot of stuff. But the Capitol also has a very big yard.

Heck, to make a few bucks off that $1 million remodel of the speaker’s apartment that Craddick and his wife, Nadine, did with private donor money, why not hold a garage sale? Maybe the lobbyists who helped fund Craddick’s apartment renovation could find a nice lamp or something.

It sure wouldn’t be hard to find folks to offload all of that furniture in the speaker’s apartment, either. Heck, with all those guys running for Craddick’s seat, each dude could grab a corner of the couch. And I’m sure the Democrats would be willing to lend a hand, too.

BOR and Kuff have the latest on Craddick’s problems.

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