
Burka Adds The Politico To His Favorites

Posted in Election 2008, 2008 Primary at 12:24 am by wcnews

It seems he just realized The Politico existed and he’s linking to their story that’s reporting that Robert “Point of Order” Talton is going to run in TX-22. From The Politico, GOP may not win DeLay’s old seat:

But the Republican recruitment process has hit several snags. Two candidates touted as front-runners for much of the year, Sugar Land Mayor David Wallace and Harris County tax assessor Paul Bettencourt, have opted not to run. And the one announced candidate, Sekula-Gibbs, alienated Republicans with her erratic behavior during her short stint in Washington (including firing staff members left over from DeLay’s office).

By comparison, crowded fields are already forming against many freshman Democrats who won seats in other conservative territories. Still, Republican operatives said they are still interviewing prospective candidates to challenge Lampson and caution that it’s too early to draw conclusions about the field.


Several Republicans are considering runs now that the initial crop of front-runners has backed out. State Rep. Robert Talton said he would jump into the race and would make an official announcement in the next 10 days.

“I’m leaning in that direction, but it’s not official yet,” Talton said.

Talton touted his right-leaning credentials, calling himself “as conservative, if not more” than DeLay. He represents parts of Harris County in the state legislature.

Other prospective candidates include Cornyn’s former chief of staff, Pete Olson, former Sugar Land Mayor Dean Hrbacek and state Rep. John Zerwas.

Wallace, who just dropped out of the race, said he’s not enamored with any of the prospective candidates.

“I have yet to see anybody I would be proud to support,” he said. “I don’t feel they’d offer adequate representation for Texas 22.”

Burka’s post on the article includes another jab a Mikal Watts:

Note to Mikal Watts and all Watts supporters: Here’s (Lampson not running against Cornyn) another indication that Cornyn is not such low-hanging fruit after all.

And he finishes with his endorsement of the e-zine:

The publisher, Robert Allbritton, is the son of prominent Houstonian Joe Allbritton, who bought the Washington Star, then the leading competitor of the Washington Post, in the seventies. The Web site has hired a substantial editorial staff. It’s mainly for Washington junkies, but I’m going to put it on my “favorites” list anyway.

The Allbrittons have ties to the Bush family, Riggs bank and Saudi Arabia. That more than likely helps explain some of the bias issues the The Politico has had since coming online. Thanks for the tip Paul, and Sekula-Gibbs v Talton in the GOP primary should be a blast.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » Are Texas Pundits Attempting To Starting A False Narrative For 2008 Election? said,

    June 11, 2007 at 9:55 pm

    […] course it went unsaid because it’s BS. This is one of those false narratives, a straw man argument, that the pundits appear to want to […]

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