
GOP’s Voter Fraud Farce Comes To Texas

Posted in Elections, Around The Nation, Around The State at 1:05 am by wcnews

SAEN has this story, Vote fraud probed in Bexar.

A Bexar County review that apparently found illegal voting by undocumented immigrants has triggered a county investigation of voter fraud and a federal probe of false citizenship claims.

County and federal officials acknowledged this week that they are looking into whether up to 41 non-citizens voted illegally in San Antonio, some repeatedly, in more than a dozen local, state and federal elections between 2001 and this year.

Bexar County District Attorney Susan Reed’s office has joined the investigation, which began in late May when the Homeland Security Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement requested a report prepared by Bexar County Elections Administrator Jacque Callanen.


Callanen said it was not readily apparent that the illegal voting influenced an election’s outcome. The names have been purged from voting rolls.

41? Highly doubful they influenced an outcome. Toward the bottom we get a few more interesting tidbits:

“ICE does not investigate voter fraud. That’s not the purpose here,” Pruneda said. “We are investigating fraudulent claims of U.S. citizenship.”

In March, Callanen said she was contacted by a Texas legislator and asked to provide a list of names purged from the county’s voter rolls.

Voter rolls are routinely purged as people die, move out of the county or otherwise become ineligible to vote.

Callanen’s review came as the Texas Legislature debated a bill that would have required prospective voters to present two forms of photo identification. Current state law requires only a voter registration certificate, which does not carry a photo ID.[…]

San Antonio-based U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, whose office prosecutes federal law violations, said there hasn’t been a voter fraud case in the area since he took office in 2001.

We all know how important it is for US Attorney’s to prosecute voter fraud in the Bush administration.

There was no investigation until a state legislator contacted the Bexar County EA about this with the Voter ID debate coming to the legislator. I wonder who that was?

As the GOP’s lack of evidence of any widespread voter fraud glaringly continues, their long time scheme rears its head in Texas.

1 Comment »

  1. Racy Mind The Ugliness « said,

    June 10, 2007 at 6:15 am

    […] at Eye on Williamson County, including a link to the San Antonio newspaper […]

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