
Perry Signs SB 792, The Toll Road “Moratorium”

Posted in 2008 Primary, Privatization, Road Issues, Around The State at 5:02 pm by wcnews

It’s obvious from his statement that he doesn’t believe this is a moratorium on anything:

“I am proud to sign this legislation because it will help Texas build the roads we need to manage our state’s tremendous population growth,” Perry said. “Under this legislation, every planned road construction project will move forward as scheduled, local leaders will have more authority to build new toll roads and all toll revenue will be used for transportation projects in the area it was raised.”

As was said before this does very little, if anything, to change how we fund our transportation infrastructure. The people of Texas must communicate to office holders and prospective office holders that corporate toll roads - selling off our infrastructure - is not what we want for a transportation financing policy. We must communicate to them that we want to use the gas tax, like we did for so many years, to pay for our roads. Also that not only will there be no political penalty for raising the gas tax, they will be rewarded politically for doing it.

A gas tax is always cheaper.

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