
Rick Barron to stay on as Williamson County Elections Administrator

Posted in Elections, Williamson County at 2:22 pm by wcnews

Via the AAS, Panel votes to keep Williamson County elections administrator. It was a 3 - 2 vote.

County Judge Dan Gattis, County Tax Assessor Collector Deborah Hunt and Karen Carter, the chairwoman of the Williamson County Democratic Party, voted Wednesday against a recommendation that Barron lose his job.

Williamson County Republican Party chairman Bill Fairbrother and Williamson County Clerk Nancy Rister voted to recommend to the county commissioners that Barron be fired. If the recommendation had passed, the commissioners would have had to decide by a majority vote whether to keep Barron.

Here is EOW’s previous reporting on this, Elections Administrator, who has brought stability, is under fire. Needless to say the right decision has been made.

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