
Craddick’s Money Is Not Going Anywhere, At Least Not Yet

Posted in 2008 Primary, Around The State, Election 2008 at 10:16 am by wcnews

From the HChron, Fundraising begins for turbulent Texas House:

Two of the state’s biggest megadonors, Houston homebuilder Bob Perry and San Antonio businessman Jim Leininger, are likely to play key roles in the GOP primaries.

Craddick has supported the issues of Leininger, a school voucher proponent, and Perry, who favors limits on lawsuits against businesses. Perry will continue to support Craddick because of his record on tort reform, said his spokesman.

“Without Craddick, their agenda doesn’t look as good,” Chisum said. “I don’t think they’ll abandon Craddick by any means. In fact, they may just double their effort.”

That pretty much says it all as far as who still supports Craddick and why.

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