
My Thoughts On Vigil X

Posted in Criminal Justice, T. Don Hutto, Central Texas, Around The Nation, Around The State at 10:34 pm by wcnews

(Guest post by Jose Orta)

To everyone who came to Taylor:

As one of the local organizers, I am so grateful to all who came to the June 23rd vigil, despite the threat of rain… the event exceeded my expectations.

The Free the Children/World Refugee Day T. Don Hutto Vigil X had the largest attendance of all previous vigils combined. Estimates range from 400 (the Austin American Statesman) to 1,000 (Amnesty International). Others claim it may have been as high at 1,500. It was so hard to keep count as we had 3 large buses, a parking lot and the entire street of Welch filled with vehicles and masses of people.

Participants came from all across the State and Nation. I was in awe with the beautiful sight of a ’sea of humanity’ gathering PEACEFULLY to exercise their Constitutional right of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly. They truly represented the best that is America: Muslims, Christians, Jews and Atheists; Men, women and children; Blacks, Whites and Latinos; Progressives and Conservatives, all for one purpose - to bring attention to imprisonment of innocent children by our government.

There were so many speakers at Saturdays event it was hard to keep track…. Jay Castro, Antoniio Diaz, Rita Garza, Rosa Rosales and Jaime Martinez all got a chance to speak. We even had Elizabeth Kucinich, the wife of Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D - Ohio) and Presidential Candidate speak on the injustice being committed at T. Don Hutto. The most important speakers of the day were of course the individuals who were imprisoned at T. Don Hutto who can bear witness to what it is like in the prison and were able to recount their life behind the wires and bars.

It was a peaceful and powerful testament that if we come together as a people, we can overlook our differences and bring positive change. We must continue to spread the word about what is happening in Taylor. We must continue to challenge those that say that all’s well. And we must continue to confront those that see no wrong, hear no wrong and say absolutely nothing about imprisoning innocent children.

You can see for yourself:





I invite everyone to come to Taylor Tx. for Vigil XI on the 21st of July. Same time 11:00 to 4:00 PM. Same Place 1001 Welch Street, Taylor.

We mean to keep our word to the children, we won”t stop coming until we shut Hutto down and set the children free. Free the Children

Jose T. Orta

LULAC Council 4721 President, Taylor Texas

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