
Shame On Senator Cornyn

Posted in Commentary, Had Enough Yet? at 3:21 pm by wcnews

The only question that Sen. Cornyn needs to answer is, why did he decide to go to a fund raise instead of showing up to honor Texas’ first First Lady as a US Senator from Texas should?

As first reported at Stop Cornyn, Cornyn Refuses to Honor Lady Bird:

Why was Cornyn the only major public figure not at the Lady Bird funeral today? Is it because:

  • he died in a plane crash on the way
  • had a fundraiser already scheduled somewhere else
  • 0r is just too ideological and small a human being.

Everyone was there but him (including Rick and Anita Perry). Everyone. “I couldn’t make it” is no excuse. Frail Nancy Reagan came all the way from California to join the others. Even frailer Betty Ford sent her daughter Susan.

Then expanded on at BOR, John Cornyn: The Final Straw: Sen. Cornyn decided to fund raise rather than do his duty as a US Senator form Texas and come honor a former First Lady form Texas.

The passing of a former fist lady from Texas. What on earth could be so important that Texas’s “Junior” Senator couldn’t make it when so many of his political colleagues could? Where was he- Fundraising? Strategizing? Campaigning?

We as Democrats have always disagreed with Sen. Cornyn’s politics. But now we as Democrats must question his priorities. In the last year we as Texas Democrats have lost three of our greatest voices- three women who have advocated against the type of politics and priorities that Cornyn holds.

We have lost Gov. Ann Richards. May she rest in peace.

We have lost Writer Molly Ivins. May she rest in peace.

We have lost First Lady Lady Bird Johnson. May she join Lyndon in peace.

There have been many great Democrats that have embodied the spirit of Texas. But slowly they are slipping away from us as time takes it’s toll on the era of FDR, JFK, and LBJ. It is up to us of the modern day, the next generation, to pick up their banner and proudly march forward. It is up to us to keep that spirit alive and breathe new life into what it means to be a Texas Democrat. It is up to us.

Vince has more here, John Cornyn’s Shun To Lady Bird Johnson.

Would it have hurt a few people’s feelings in Abilene if Cornyn had canceled to go to the funeral? Sure, but they’d have understood.

Some people have also noted that perhaps it’s a good thing he didn’t go because most Texans don’t like him anyway.

That, however, is not the point. The point is about giving respect where respect is due on the most fundamental levels.

A former First Lady–from Texas–was being buried. For the state’s junior sitting United States Senator to not show up or at least make a public statement about why he wasn’t going to be there is a fundamental disgrace. It’s such a disgrace.

It’s about showing a family that you are there as a representation of the respect the people of your state show for the deceased even if you yourself don’t share their feelings. And, that doesn’t matter who it is—Lady Bird or someone else. You show up as a reflection of the respect your constituents have even if you don’t really care one way or the other.

Not even the 44 percent (or whatever the number is today) of people who still support Cornyn, I’d venture to say, fail to respect Lady Bird Johnson. He even disgraced his (remaining) supporters by not being there.

It’s also been picked up by Evan Smith of Texas Monthly, Re: The Lady, Always:

Well, it turns out he was in Abilene, giving what sounds like a routine speech about health care. What gives, Beckwith?

This was especially galling because it was as a US Senator from Texas where her husband was able to do so much for Texas. Shame on you Senator Cornyn.

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