
More Problems At The WCRAS

Posted in Bad Government Republicans, Animal Shelter, Take Action, Had Enough Yet?, Williamson County at 12:33 pm by wcnews

From this article at KEYE-TV, Williamson Shelter Temporarily Closed, (link via Shelter Concerns), it’s safe to assume there are still major issues at the Williamson Count Regional Animal Shelter (WCRAS).

Since opening in March, the Williamson County Animal Shelter has been plagued by controversy over cruelty allegations and overpopulation — and claims of understaffing.

That understaffing could explain what happened on Sunday.

No one answered the door at the county-run shelter, where posted signs say an “unforeseen emergency” that forced the shelter to shut down.

A county spokeswoman says one of the front desk workers had to leave yesterday — when she suffered a minor injury on the job. And the shelter is just too shorthanded to handle any clients for the day.

The shelter is supposed to have a staff of 12. They’ve been operating with just eight. Still, the closing was disappointing for some.

There was staff in the shelter caring for the animals, they just didn’t have enough staff to allow the public in, the article goes on to state.

This will be on the Commissioners agenda tomorrow morning. Not only can a citizen come speak out about the landfill, they can also voice their concerns about the animal shelter as well.

1 Comment »

  1. gtown74 said,

    August 10, 2007 at 10:48 pm

    It was more than a minor injury it was a dog attack that required stitches to the face and in the leg. This is a way for Williamson County officials to down play the incident and the fact that they were understaffed. The people working the front desk were not even Williamson County employees, they were from another agency.

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