
Constable Gary Griffin Says He’s Running in 2008

Posted in Election 2008, Williamson County at 10:45 pm by wcnews

Responding to today’s earlier post about whether or not Constable Griffin would be running again in 2008, he says he is. Below the fold is the an email he sent in response. It is printed with his permission. Thank you Constable Griffin for participating in the conversation at EOW.

Editor at Eye on Williamson,


It was brought to my attention the latest post regarding my conflict with the Commissioner Court. I wanted to take a moment & respond to a statement in the end of the article where it stated it was unclear if I was running for re-election.

Without a doubt, most certainly, I am running for re-election in 2008. I am quite honored & humbled that the voters, my employer, have given me the opportunity to serve as their elected public official, not just once, but three terms.

I take great pride in my position. You see it is that same pride that has caused my conflict I have a great respect for the Texas Constitution. As a Texas Peace Officer, I take great offense when someone violates the very document they swore on the bible to uphold. As a citizen, I’m just like your readers, appauled & ashamed of such conduct. Great men, such as Houston, Travis, Bowie, Sequin, Crockett, along with many, many others died for the ability to create the Constitution of Texas.

It is because of our forefathers ultimate sacrifice that I choose to aggressively pursue the Commissioner Court in the manner that I do. I realize this is a Democratic site, & I have a “R” at the end of my name. I would like to think I have proven I represent EVERYONE not just republicans. I honestly don’t care if you have an “R” or a “D” by your name when you violate the Constitution & the public’s trust.

In this instance it just so happens that the people that chose to disregard their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution were “R”s.

From my house which is [Address Redacted] that “R” does not make up the character & integrity of Gary Griffin. Gary Griffin chooses the path he takes relating to his integrity & character as a representative of his community.

I will continue to pursue the court because THEY ARE WRONG until my BOSS, (the voters) choose to fire me. You see I am quite clear who I am accountable to & it is not the Commissioner Court.

That’s why I responded to your comment, your my boss & had a question. I hope I answered your question. I sincerely tried to, but if not feel free to call You can reach me at my office, or my home which is;

(XXX) XXX-XXXX Personal Cell
(512) 844-5100 County Cell

In closing, just so you will know for the future, I plan to stay my course, I’m not going to wane, just because the path is difficult. It is my job to carry out my duties given to me by my BOSS, the voters. That is what I am desperately trying to do. I give you my word, I promise.

As I stated above, I will be re-applying for my position with my employer in 2008. I have full confidence my BOSS will make the best decision for our county, mostly because it’s their decision to make, I’m just the voters employee. Whatever happens it will be the voters that decide, the way it should be. I trust the voters, I always have.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to respond.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Griffin, Constable
Precinct One, Williamson County

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