
AG Abbott Attempts To Lower GOP Expectations For 2008 - [UPDATED]

Posted in Around The State, Bad Government Republicans, Election 2008 at 2:37 pm by wcnews

Tip to Kuff, for this article in the Galveston Daily News, AG challenges GOP to pick up the slack. Keep pulling!!

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott on Thursday told Galveston Republicans that times were getting tougher in the state for the GOP — particularly in big cities like Houston and Dallas.


The 2008 election cycle could be tough for Texas Republicans for reasons other than dwindling numbers in the state’s biggest cities.

The state’s population is becoming increasingly Hispanic, a group that has traditionally voted Democratic. In addition, President Bush and the war in Iraq have become unpopular.

“We need to be prepared for a closer, tighter, tougher battle,” Abbott said of the coming election.

I agree with Kuff their problems have more to do with their incompetence, their inability to govern effectively, neglect of infrastructure, and their inability to do anything for the middle class down, than demographic shifts. Keep running on the fallacies of lower taxes, smaller government, and “social conservatism”. Please.

[UPDATE]: Somebody needs to tell Sen. Kim Brimer that denial and Craddicks Speaker reelection strategy is not a very good strategy. Via QR:

Those fires were stoked yesterday by a Lone Star Project sponsored Opinion Analyst poll suggesting that Brimer’s name ID was subterranean (49.7% had not heard of him), the kiss of death for a public official.

The release from the Lone Star Project was originally posted in yesterday’s Executive Summary and can be found here.The district is solidly Republican, especially with Hillary at the top of the ticket say Brimer team

According to their release, only 27.4% were ready to re-elect the incumbent with 25% approving of an as of yet un-named Democrat. The Lone Star Project also argues dismal Republican top of the ticket approval numbers (42.9% for Bush, 31.6% for Cornyn) likely means no coattails for Brimer.

Not so fast said Brimer’s consultants.

In a memo received this afternoon from the Eppstein Group, Brimer spokesman John Shults said, “based on 2006 election returns, State Senate District 10 is strongly a Republican District. US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison received 62%. The collective Republican Congressional vote vs Democrat opponents was 58%. The collective Republican vote for Republican state rep candidates vs Democrat state rep candidates was 55% and the average Republican Statewide candidate including Gov Perry’s 39% vs Democrat opponents was 55%.”

Denying reality and banking on people to turnout to vote against someone else in order to vote for you is a loser. Especially for a corrupt politician. Run on that and we’ll have at least one new Democratic Senator in Texas in 2009.

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