
Landfill Vote Tuesday, Get Informed, Call Your Commissioner

Posted in Bad Government Republicans, Commissioners Court, Take Action, Landfill, Williamson County, Uncategorized at 11:31 pm by wcnews

The Commissioners Court has moved the vote on the landfill again. This time they’ve made it a week earlier, it’s this Tuesday August, 21st and they will not allow any public comment. This is, more than likely, more shenanigans by Judge Gattis and his cohorts to confuse and make it harder for citizens to participate in this issue.

Two this to read in preparation for Tuesday’s vote:

This analysis [.PDF] on the significant flaws of the contract.

Next, this press release [.PDF] from the Hutto Citizens Group regarding a contract that’s still bad despite the revisions.

“In our opinion,” [Jeff Maurice, chairman of the HCG’s Landfill Committee] said, “this landfill mess reveals a level of government arrogance, indifference to local concerns, and corporate welfare that we have never experienced previously in this county. We hope that all citizens in Williamson County take note of what the county is doing to the Hutto area, one of the fastest-growing areas of the state. If the county will do this to Hutto, it will do it to you.”

The consensus appears to be that no matter how bad the 2003 contract is were better of with that than this new abomination. The county needs to open the landfill up for bidding and then, and only then, will the county get a deal worth signing.

Give them a call. Be polite, and assertive.

Dan Gattis, Sr., County Judge (943-1550)

Comm. Pct. 1 Lisa Birkman (733-5380)

Comm. Pct. 2 Cynthia Long (260-4280)

Comm. Pct. 3 Valerie Covey (943-3370)

Comm. Pct. 4 Ron Morrison (238-2111)

1 Comment »

  1. WilcoVoter said,

    August 19, 2007 at 1:49 pm

    Any chance someone with the technical skills I do not have might upload something on YouTube? As it is, hardly anyone outside this county is ever going to know what is going on. I admit I know little about the matter in question, but moving any meeting forward a week, not allowing public comment, and so forth smacks of a dictatorship.

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