
Texas Blog Round Up (August 20, 2007)

Posted in Commentary, Around The State at 8:53 am by wcnews

Here is your Texas Progressive Alliance Blog Round-Up for the week of August 20, 2007. This week’s installment is brought to you Vince from Capitol Annex.

Krazypuppy at Texas Kaos keeps track of What You Will Not Find at Laura Bush’s Library.

TXSharon at BlueDaze asks, “Would you make Osama Bin Ladin director of Homeland Security?” If the answer is no, read about who wants to protect our water in Barnett Shale: Devon wants to conserve our water? Like hell!

Hal at Half Empty sees vultures flocking to pick over the bones of Tom DeLay’s old seat.

Texas Toad at North Texas Liberal exposes the hypocrisy of chickenhawk Republicans taking shots at Rick Noriega.

Vince at Capitol Annex tells us about the coming storm surrounding implementation of religious viewpoint “anti-discrimination” policies in Texas schools to comply with a bill recently passed by the Texas Legislature.

WcNews at Eye On Williamson points out the hypocrisy in sentencing in recent child molestation cases in Williamson County.

PDidde at Brains and Eggs fries up a double order of e-Slate voting woes: an advance of the meeting over security issues with Houston Mayor Bill White and the Harris County (Republican) clerk; and the disappointing results of that meeting, including the news that the TDP lawsuit over “emphasis voting” was dismissed.

Captain Kroc at McBlogger suggests the incumbent in the Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector race is using a page or two from Turd Blossom’s playbook.

Boadicea at StopCornyn tells us about John Cornyn’s Badge Of Fiscal Irresponsibility.

CouldBeTrue at South Texas Chisme exposes another Republican minority district suppression scam - using immigration raids to minimize population counts for the 2010 census.

Kuffat Off the Kuff asks “How many felonies could you commit with an oyster?”

Glenn Smith at Burnt Orange Report gives a “political type’s” perspective on the media’s fascination with Karl Rove.

Also, don’t forget to check out these other great Texas Progressive Alliance blogs: People’s Republic of Seabrook, Three Wise Men, Musings, Bay Area Houston, In The Pink Texas, Who’s Playin?, Feet To The Fire, Easter Lemming Liberal News, Winding Road In Urban Area, Common Sense, B & B , The Agonist, Texas Truth Serum.

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