This Is What Happens When We Turn Government Over To Corporations
This is a very interesting comment from GOP Texas House Speaker Joe Straus. It’s related to the disastrous lack of oversight at the HHSC under Kyle Janek.
House Speaker Joe Straus is asking lawmakers to develop a comprehensive solution to the state’s contracting woes, in light of what he called a “troubling” new report on more such problems at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
Straus said the latest audit illustrates a “systemic problem across all of state government.” With more agencies relying on the private sector, he said, it appears those agencies “lack the resources or expertise to effectively negotiate and implement these contracts.”
“The policies and procedures for awarding these contracts are too often sidestepped, and oversight is too often incompetent or non-existent,” the Republican said in a statement, his most in-depth comments on the topic to date.
In other words we’ve turned our government services over to the corporations. That’s likely not what Straus meant.
And folks who were involved in doing that - like former GOP state Sen. Kyle Janek - don’t seem to think there needs to be oversight. You know, if we run our state like a business and let the free market take care it!
The reason those agencies don’t have the necessary resources and expertise is because the GOP Lege has been gutting agency budgets for at least a decade. Just ask Sid Miller. The folks who pay for their campaigns don’t wont oversight, so we’re not getting oversight.
As has been said here many times, this is what happens when we elect people who believe the government is the problem and can’t do anything good for the citizenry. They will do everything they can to prove it.