Texas Blog Round Up (September 10, 2007)
A new week is here and that means it’s time for another edition of the Texas Progressive Alliance’s Blog Round Up. This week’s round-up is brought to you by Vince from Capitol Annex.
Do You Ever Feel Like Cassandra?
Port Arthur gets shipped several hundred thousand gallons of a waste byproduct of the chemical nerve agent VX or incineration, and PDiddie at Brains and Eggs reveals that neither a federal judge nor the TCEQ nor Rick Perry did anything to stop it.
Over at Three Wise Men, Nat-Wu notes that, whether or homosexuality is a choice or not, everyone deserves the same rights.
Blogging and the University of North Texas Democrats‘ site, Adam Silva of Three Wise Men notes that pundits are over-analyzing polls in the 2008 presidential race.
Hal at Half Empty blogs about some hot water Senate Candidate Mikal Watts got into over a letter he wrote to another attorney talking about contributions to judges.
Stace Medellin at Dos Centavos reports on a recent Democratic event held in a Houston suburb (Kingwood). Along with several locals running in the 2007 Houston city council election, the event attracted several more judicial candidates running in 2008, including Texas Supreme Court Place 8 candidate Judge Susan Criss.
In one of his information packed open threads on Texas Kaos, lightseeker notes that T Boone Pickens is stacking the deck in Roberts County to suck up water rights.
McBlogger at McBlogger has an update on the toll roads in the Austin area and urges those on CAMPO to think about what they are doing carefully and advises them to not burden taxpayers with the most expensive method of financing road construction.
WCNews at Eye on Williamson wonders if the “conservative” WCGOP and Craddick are going soft and will they let Rep. Mike Krusee go without a primary challenge from the right, in Will Craddick Let Krusee Go Unpunished?
Bradley Bowen of North Texas Liberal tells us about the excitement at a Hillary Clinton event in DC — the crowd was moved and motivated, and Sen. Clinton is in it to win it.
Could Be True at South Texas Chisme notes that a polluting refiner gets only a teeny, teeny, tiny slap on wrist. Oh, why did they even bother. Just taking the time of a minimum wage clerk to file the darn thing would cost more than the fine does.
Vince at Capitol Annex discusses the race of a “Craddick D” down in House District 40 (Aaron Pena) and offers his opinions on the blogging legislator’s chances in a contested primary.
At Bluedaze, TXsharon tell us about yet Another Republican Sexual Pervert.