
Cornyn, Bush And The Surge

Posted in Around The Nation, Around The State, Commentary, The War, US Senate Race at 11:35 am by wcnews

Sen. John Cornyn was at Camp Mabry in Austin yesterday. It’s the headquarters for Texas’ National Guard. Here’s what he said, via the Starlegram.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, said Thursday that he supports the planned drawdown of American troops from Iraq, but he acknowledged that those soldiers might have to return if the conflict descends into further chaos.

“I hope and pray that we won’t be backsliding in that security situation,” Cornyn said during a visit to a National Guard installation in Austin. “But I think the men and women of the military understand that when their nation needs them, it needs them. … I think we are going to have to react to whatever the threats are.”

It’s interesting that now Cornyn is admitting that Iraq is in chaos. And of course our military will sacrifice for our country, that’s a given.

Here’s what the two Democrats vying to challenge him had to say:

The two Democrats vying to challenge Cornyn next year disputed the assertion that Iraq is headed in the right direction.

“It’s time to lead from the front and not hide behind the administration or hide behind photo opportunities with the best and bravest of the United States armed forces,” said state Rep. Rick Noriega of Houston, who is expected to seek the nomination in the March 4 Democratic primary.

“It’s time now to bring our men and women home.”

San Antonio lawyer Mikal Watts, who is also expected to seek the Democratic nomination, said the strategy envisioned by Bush and endorsed by Cornyn is misguided.

“John Cornyn is willing to rubber-stamp this administration’s aimless policies that would keep our troops hunkered down in Iraq for years to come. I’m not,” Watts said.

“We need a smart strategy for immediately ending our involvement in Iraq’s civil war and repairing our strategic alliances around the world so that our grandchildren won’t have to go back.”

It’s hard to see how anyone, not in a Bush fog, can argue that Iraq isn’t in chaos. Even the New WH Report Contradicts Bush’s Claim That Troop Drawdown Is Result Of ‘Success’ In Iraq. Cornyn then goes on to praise Bush for his stubbornness despite reality.

Cornyn said Bush should be credited for pursuing the course that he believes is in the nation’s best interests despite waning support for the war.

“He’s not going to be motivated by public opinion polls, but rather by what’s (what he believes) is in the national security interest of the United States,” he said.

The changes to the above paragraph was made by EOW to better reflect what our president is doing with Iraq. What the president believes and what needs to be done are two completely different things. Staying in Iraq to stroke the president’s ego is no longer an option Senator.

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