David Sirota’s First Syundicated Column
Fittingly the same week that the Media Matters report, Black and White and Re(a)d All Over, regarding the imbalances between “conservative” over “liberal” voices in newspapers across the country came out.
The results show that in paper after paper, state after state, and region after region, conservative syndicated columnists get more space than their progressive counterparts
So did David Sirota’s first syndicated column published today. He eviscerates TABOR and it’s unmet promises in Colorado, The Lesson Of The DMV.
When this ideological push inevitably starts in state legislatures this winter, just remember The Lesson of the DMV: Budget cuts and TABOR are code for long lines, traffic, endless waits for basic legal proceedings and all the other red tape inefficiencies that drag society down.
These silent, day-to-day consequences may go unrecorded by economic statistics and may be far away from the happy rhetoric of politicians and political activists. But they prove that slashing government services in the name of “taxpayer protection” does not result in lubricating a state’s economic engine — it ends up throwing sand in the gears.
EOW recommends reading Sirota, mentioning him to friends and family, and urging your local paper to print his column, you can contact them by going here or here. He also blogs at Sirotablog.