
Cliff Borofsky Pulls A Porter Goss And Resigns Abruptly!

Posted in Election 2006, Williamson County at 12:05 pm by wcnews

Williamson County Elections Administrator Cliff Borofsky resigns, Williamson County elections head resigns abruptly:

The head of the Williamson County elections department resigned abruptly Friday.

Cliff Borofsky had worked as the county’s elections administrator for less than nine months. He did not give a reason for his decision in the one-sentence resignation letter that the county’s election commission accepted Monday.

When asked why he resigned, Borofsky said it was due to “nothing in particular.”

“I just decided that I needed to explore other options,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

Borofsky will continue to work as a consultant for the county’s elections department through the end of May, working from home but drawing the same rate of pay. Borofsky earned $77,156.92 a year.

Debra Stacy, elections manager for the county, will step in as acting elections administrator.

“At this point, it really doesn’t matter,” Stacy said of Borofsky’s resignation. “We all know what’s going on, and we have a lot of experience here.”

County Judge John Doerfler said he was perplexed, but not concerned, about Borofsky’s decision.

“There must have been something that didn’t sit right with him or something,” said Doerfler.

Borofsky, who served as the elections administrator in Bexar County from 2001 through August 2005, resigned after some election problems there. Problems surfaced in Williamson County during the primary runoff. I don’t know if that or the recent problems with ES&S had anything to do with today’s resignation. Curiously, none of the quoted county officials seemed too surprised or concerned.


  1. oldyeller said,

    May 8, 2006 at 1:53 pm

    What’s a bit eerie to me is that the “real” ballots were not available until at least the second or third day of actual early voting. All ballots by mail were done on paper ballots that had to be “duplicated”, but by whom. Were two Republicans at each duplicating station? Two Democrats? Or one of each as it should be, regardless of the primary situation. His reason for leaving (“no particular reason”) was the same one he gave for leaving his last job, and there were problems there too with counting ballots.

  2. faithndems said,

    May 10, 2006 at 4:14 pm

    Cliff placed the order for the ballots in plenty of time. The printer ran out of the stock for the ballots and was not able to deliver on time. Four Republicans and four Democrats were hired to work as teams to transfer the paper ballots to the real ballots. Each paper ballot and real ballot had a serial number and were cross referenced and saved in the event there were any questions.

  3. Eye on Williamson » Debra Stacey Appointed County Elections Administrator, Effective June 16th said,

    June 17, 2006 at 3:25 pm

    [...] Can’t find a story online anywhere. The Williamson County site doesn’t have anything about this, and the Elections page still has Cliff Borofsky listed. I found the story as I glanced at the front page of the RRL — nothing on their site either, although I’m not a subscriber — in a convenience store today. Debra Stacy has been the acting administrator since Cliff Borofsky resigned. Don’t know anything about her; please feel free to comment on this post if you do. [...]

  4. Eye on Williamson » More Williamson County Election Problems - Debra Stacy Resigns! said,

    December 13, 2012 at 9:43 am

    [...] and a partisan hack as the elections administrator. (By the way, here’s what she said when Cliff Borofsky resigned): Debra Stacy, elections manager for the county, will step in as acting elections [...]

  5. Eye on Williamson » Elections Administrator, who has brought stability, is under fire said,

    December 13, 2012 at 10:56 am

    [...] County Elections Administrator Cliff Borofsky was brouht in. He was gone by May of 2005- lasted for less than a year. Debra Stacy, elections manager, was put in his place and she was gone by November of 2006 - [...]

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