
Go See “Truth Be Tolled” In Taylor Tonight, For Free

Posted in Central Texas, Democratic Events, Privatization, Road Issues, Take Action, Williamson County at 9:16 am by wcnews

Tonight at 7:00 pm, in an effort to better inform the local community about transportation issues and the Trans-Texas Corridor in particular, the East Williamson County Democrats Club (EWCD) is offering a free showing of the movie, Truth Be Tolled. You can view two trailers for the movie below.



Here’s a written syonpsis.It will be show at the historic Howard Theatre in downtown Taylor (MAP).EWCD has created a flyer for the event which can be downloaded an printed for distribution here [.PDF]. This is the first of what,hopefully, will be a series of films to be shown by the EWCD at the Howard Theatre. Please join them.

There will also be voter registration going on, and be sure to donate a couple of bucks if you can, so the series can continue for free.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » Toll News, Get You Toll News Here said,

    September 20, 2007 at 3:05 pm

    […] more from MYSA here, TxDOT threatened with injunction. And go see Truth Be Tolled, FOR FREE, in Taylor […]

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