
Why I’m Running

Posted in Election 2008, District 31, Congress, Central Texas, Commentary at 7:51 pm by bpruiz

(Welcome Brian P. Ruiz to Eye on Williamson. He’s running against John Carter in CD-31. Be sure and read more about him at his web site www.ruizforcongress.com. He’s started a blog a ruizforcongress.blogspot.com. Drop him a few bucks if you can at his Act Blue page.)

Think about the average American’s daily expenses: health care, childcare, student loans, high interest credit cards, high gasoline prices. The list goes on and on. We are told by our President that by helping citizens of other countries realize their dreams, we are promoting peace and security here at home. However, our own country’s lower and middle classes are currently not able to dream without taking a huge risk. Many Americans spend their time worrying that they may get sick and incur costly medical expenses or fall behind on credit card bills and ruin their credit. All of this is accumulating into a lifestyle that leaves little room for taking risks and dwindling chances for reaching the American Dream.

I confront the same concerns every day. I have chosen to take a huge risk because the middle class no longer has a voice in Congress. Many representatives in Congress do not relate to or understand the struggles that the middle class endures in their day-to-day lives. As a father of two, I now see this world starting to head in the wrong direction. This is why I have decided to declare my candidacy for United States Congress in District 31. I believe it is time for Congress to relinquish one of their seats for a true representative of District 31 and help get our nation back on track.

- Brian P. Ruiz

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