
County Judge Dan Gattis’ Thoughts On T. Don Hutto, Via YouTube

Posted in Commissioners Court, T. Don Hutto, Williamson County at 10:28 am by wcnews

In an interview after the October 9th commissioners meeting County Judge Dan Gattis, Sr is asked about T. Don Hutto (TDH). In answering the first questions posed to him Gattis states that, “If I thought immorality was happening I’d be against that.” Since he’s not for closing TDH we can take from that statement that he has no moral qualms with what’s occurring at TDH.

Next as the interviewer attempts to ask him a follow-up question about what he believes about the facility, Gattis slyly starts talking about the federal policy of “retaining illegal aliens into this country”. He finishes by declaring that “From what he can tell…the best interest of all of the people are being best served in this type of facility.”

I’m not sure how many times it needs to be said that the people at TDH are not illegal immigrants and have committed no crime. Obviously it’s not time to stop yet. Watch the video for yourself below.

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