
FREE Entertainment: EWCDC Presents Kilowatt Ours In Taylor Tonight

Posted in Democratic Events, Good Stuff, Take Action, The Environment, Williamson County at 12:25 pm by wcnews

A new documentary film designed to help consumers cut their energy bills and improve the quality of the environment is coming to the historical HOWARD THEATRE in TAYLOR, TEXAS as many Americans face record-high energy bills. The public is invited to view Kilowatt Ours: A Plan to Re-Energize America, NOVEMBER 15 (Texas Recycle Day). This acclaimed film advocates energy conservation methods and clean, renewable power sources available as alternatives to the high costs of energy.

When: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2007; 7:00 PM


Admission: FREE!

Widespread problems revealed in ‘Kilowatt Ours’ include mountaintop removal, air pollution, global warming, childhood asthma, and mercury contamination. The film, by film maker Jeff Barrie, illustrates practical solutions that help homeowners save more than
$600 per year
on energy bills while helping the environment and protecting human health.

The film screening is sponsored by East Williamson County Democrat Club, as the second in it’s Documentary Film Series, highlighting local issues pertinent to the citizens of this county. Local environmentalist, Janice Bezanson, Executive Director of Texas Conservation Alliance, will be present to speak about the related topics. Information about purchasing the DVD, and becoming part of the film maker’s movement will also be available.

View the flyer for the event here [.PDF].

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