
The Krusee Crisis

Posted in 2008 Primary, Commentary, Election 2008, HD-52, The Lege, Williamson County at 5:26 pm by wcnews

What is the WCGOP to do? They’ve got a lame (duck) candidate that, one way or another, won’t be in sworn in January of 2009, in a Democratic-leaning district. They’re intimidated by the leadership of the announced Democratic candidate Diana Maldonado. And are apparently having trouble finding someone that wants to run as a Craddick lackey. At least at this point Nyle Maxwell doesn’t want to be called “The Honorable Craddick lackey in HD-52” by his daughter at bed time. I’m sure they’ll continue through their magic rolodex for the proverbial rabbit-in-the-hat but it just might be too late. With Perry and the Texas GOP not getting the results they’ve wanted from recent special elections, they may try and keep Krusee from “retiring” until after the Primary. That way they can appoint a pro-Craddick shill without a bloody primary battle. The name, however, would have to surface soon. To qualify for the November general election, candidates must file by January 3. Only 45 days remain for the GOP recruiters. Anyone care to jump into an expensive battle in a trending Democratic district against a well-respected and funded Democrat? Oh yeah, and you get to carry Krusee’s toll-everything luggage with you. Come on wingnuts, surely one of you can gather the courage.

What all of this makes clear is that the Republicans - in Williamson County and in the state - have acknowledged the fact that they’re extremely vulnerable in HD-52, and now those that didn’t already know it, now know it too. They’re also having trouble finding a candidate that wants to take on Diana Maldonado. We don’t blame them.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » Bryan Daniel’s role in the financial crisis said,

    October 29, 2008 at 9:01 am

    […] last November local Republicans were scrambling to recruit a candidate to replace retiring Mike Krusee. A plum appointment to a corporate board was […]

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