
Commissioners Will Continue With Vague Dress Code

Posted in Bad Government Republicans, Commentary, Commissioners Court, Williamson County at 1:39 pm by wcnews

The insanity of the WCCC. They obviously put in a dress code when they instituted their new rules. It was vague, and probably not legal, but they did it anyway. And Judge Gattis admits they didn’t know how to do what they wanted to do so they just did something. No matter the legality.

Via RRL, Flip-flopping on flip flops?

According to section 4D of the new rules: “Proper attire for all persons is mandatory. Specifically, appropriate dress entails attire suitable for professional or business engagements. Those members of the public who are inappropriately attired and/or will not conduct themselves in an orderly and appropriate manner will be asked to leave the meeting. Refusal to abide by the court’s order and/or continued disruption of the meeting may result in a contempt of court citation.”

So what is appropriate or inappropriate attire?

Commissioners say they are not really sure.

Court critics - such as former Georgetown Mayor Mary Ellen Kersch - say the new policy is a bad idea; stating it would never stand up to a legal challenge.

Commissioners Court sessions are public meetings and members of the public can attend them dressed as they see fit, Kersch said.

When questioned this week, Gattis and Birkman each acknowledged how people come dressed to commissioners court has not been a problem in the past.

“We don’t what short shots and flip flops but how do you write that (intothe rules)?” Gattis wondered. “We ought to live through three or four meetings and come back and revisit it.”

They’re just going to leave this likely illegal dress code rule in place for a little while and revisit the issue later. While it’s doubtful that these current rules of dress for the meetings will keep anyone from speaking this is a window into the decision making process of the WCCC. They’ll make rules, sign contracts, etc.., that are wrong, against the people’s wishes, or illegal, and they won’t worry about fixing them until they’re called on it. I don’t think that’s what the citizens of Williamson County would like their representatives do conduct county business. They’d probably like them to follow the rules/law from the beginning.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » ACLU Shames WCCC - Free Speech Under Attack said,

    January 16, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    […] can read Gattis’ former statements on the dress code and the need to revisit it here. The rules will change or the county will be sued and forced to change them, the WCCC surely is […]

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