
The Texas GOP’s War On Science Continues

Posted in Bad Government Republicans, Had Enough Yet?, Commentary, Around The Nation, Around The State at 11:45 am by wcnews

There appears to be a political price to pay if someone is for teaching science in science classes in Texas an not religion. The world is a Carl Sagan always said “billions and billions” of years old. But the Texas GOP minions at the State Board of Education (SBOE) have decided that the world is indeed, not flat, and we need a “fair and balanced” discussion in science class between evolution and the recently made up non-scientific theory of intelligent design. AAS has a great editorial on this, Is misdeed a creation of political doctrine?

This state has struggled for years with the ideological bent of the state school board, but lawmakers took away most of its power to infect education some years ago. Politicizing the Texas Education Agency, which oversees the education of children in public schools, would be a monumental mistake.

This isn’t the space to explore the debate over creationism, intelligent design and evolution. Each approach should be fair game for critical analysis, so terminating someone for just mentioning a critic of intelligent design smacks of the dogma and purges in the Soviet era.

But then, this is a new and more political time at the state’s education agency.

This issue is drawing naitional attention to Texas. See these links for much, much more on this. Easter Lemming Liberal News, OffTheKuff and McBlogger.

Also last week the Georgetown City Council instituted a prayer before there meetings and the main reason given was that many other meetings in Williamson County open with and prayer. I guess they were feeling left out. What was is that Mom and Dad always said? If you’re brother jumped off a bridge would you do that too? It was a 4-3 vote and a bit of a surprise from what I understand. As we know from the WCCC, that’s how the GOP machine works in this county.

1 Comment »

  1. remerson said,

    December 4, 2007 at 1:23 pm

    History reports that the hybridization of religion and politics is a bad deal for both. But for the power-hungry, it’s a quick way to grab control. For a while.

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