
Your Property Tax Cut Is History

Posted in Taxes, Public Schools, Around The State at 12:42 am by wcnews

All those special sessions for nothing. Here’s the story, Tax relief far short of promise.

School property taxes on the average home in the San Antonio Independent School District this year are $84.73 lower than when state leaders approved a new school-funding system 18 months ago.

In the North East ISD, the decrease in the tax bill for an average-valued house was $128.93, and in the Northside ISD, it was $245.82.

That’s a far cry from the $2,000 that Gov. Rick Perry promised in radio and TV spots after he and legislative leaders settled on the new system in May 2006.

Most homeowners probably won’t see another decrease next year — the state’s phased-in limit on school tax rates reached as low as it’s going to get this year.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » It’s Time To Take The Keys Away said,

    December 10, 2007 at 12:23 pm

    […] the Texas GOP did such a good job of “lowering” our property taxes two years ago, (see video of 39% here), now the “wing-nuts” want to outlaw property […]

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