A Personal Message from District 31 Congressional Candidate Brian P. Ruiz
There are so many issues that I feel need to be addressed but I would like to concentrate on what I feel are key issues, the ones that affect all of us. It is my job as your representative to be the voice of the majority and to speak up on your behalf regarding the things that we as a District not only want but need to have happen. This is not a job for one person, it is our responsibility to begin bringing about the changes that need to happen, I intend to be your voice, and I believe that together we can.
A major catalyst for change, in my opinion, is reigning in the current practice of fiscal irresponsibility that is affecting everyone. Spend today borrow from tomorrow is a practice that I will not support, this does nothing but further damage the already unstable economy and will only work to harm the generations to come. I do not intend to allow our children to suffer due to the current irresponsibility to be blamed directly on the misguided decisions of today. It is my intention to work with Congress to implement a much more pragmatic form of spending, for example the Pay As You Go philosophy. Through the implementation of this philosophy I want to show the people that our economy can once again be a promising one, one that will allow for long term positive affects for not only our generation but for the young people who will soon stand in our shoes.
On Tuesday I will make my run for the Congressional Seat in District 31 official by announcing my candidacy at a press conference to be held at the Texas Democratic Party Headquarters. The announcement will take place at 11:30 AM December 11th at 505 W. 12th Street Austin, TX. I look forward to seeing many supportive faces there to kick off my “Together We Can” Campaign.