
News 8 On TDH March And Vigil

Posted in Good Stuff, T. Don Hutto, Williamson County at 11:42 am by wcnews

Anniversary march at T. Don Hutto:

This weekend, protesters in Taylor made it clear they aren’t running out of steam anytime soon.

It’s been one year since the first march on the T. Don Hutto Family Residential Facility. The immigrant detention center houses 500 men, women and children waiting asylum or deportation, and has been controversial since it opened last year.

On Sunday, busloads of church groups and human rights activists from as far as Dallas, San Antonio and Odessa came together with one purpose.

“We are fighting for the human rights and civil rights of innocent children that are in prison,” Jaime Martinez of Cesar Chavez March for Justice said.

Martinez and others came by bus from San Antonio and assembled at Heritage Square in downtown Taylor.


The protest wasn’t all about being heard. Dozens of Christmas presents were collected from around the state specifically for the children being detained there.

“All of these gifts represent the unity of the communities in Texas that want to see these kids go free,” Carol Uranga of the League of United Latin American Citizens said.

After withstanding hours of chanting, T. Don Hutto guards announced that a few representatives would be allowed to come inside to give the toys to the children. The announcement was met with cheers from the crowd.

“We’re going to donate those toys to the children so they have something to celebrate this Christmas,” Holt said.

Looks like a great show of support. Anyone who went please post comments below.

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