
A Few Notes From Tonights Forum

Posted in Commissioners Court, Good Stuff, HD-20, US Senate Race, HD-52, Commentary, 2008 Primary, Election 2008, Williamson County at 1:58 am by wcnews

Just a few quick notes from tonight’s forum, more to come over the weekend.

The room was packed over 100 people showed up to meet the Democratic candidates in Williamson County and US Senate candidate Rick Noriega.

Rick Noriega gave a great speech. Of course he has the awesome personal story of service and sacrifice to our state and nation. He also has a very genuine and engaging quality about him. He worked the room and introduced himself to everyone in the room and was sure to thank everyone for answering the call to serve by coming out for spaghetti on a Friday night. Thanks to Rick for coming to Williamson County and helping us kick-off 2008.

Judge Woodie Jones was there, he’s running for Chief Justice of the Third Court of Appeals. We need a Democrat in this position. Judge Jan Patterson was there too, it’s always good to see her, she can name the 24 counties in the 3rd court in record time.

Diana Maldonado is ready to win back a state House seat for the Democrats in Williamson County. Leonard Surratt’s ready to take on Gattis, Jr. in HD-20, more to come on a fundraiser for him toward the end of this month.

Brian Ruiz is honing his stump speech and told us of a die-hard Republican from a military family he’s already won over. Rep. John Carter’s office wouldn’t give them the time of day so he called Democrat Chet Edwards and was able to get his needs met. Just goes to show that the little things matter a bunch. That probably lost Carter more than one vote.

Mike Grimes will most definitely give whichever GOP candidate slinks through that primary all they can handle and more. He spoke to the fact that when one party controls all the levers of power Democracy ceases to exist. Gregory Windham will be a breath of fresh air as compared to the GOP lackey’s we now have sitting on the commissioners court. Compared the current court to a sick horse. Jaime Lynn assured us he’s no relation to the Brittany and it was music to my ears to hear him speak of bring accountability back to our county’s government. Not to mention have a County Attorney that want be replaced by outside counsel on a regular basis.

Thanks to all the candidates for running for office and coming out tonight. It was a great night, tons of enthusiasm, great food, many new faces and plenty of old ones too. It’s time to get to work.

1 Comment »

  1. lanatso said,

    January 5, 2008 at 11:08 am

    I attended the meeting and was overwhelmed by the attendance, the energy, and the quality of the candidates! I hope everyone who attended the forum will take their enthusiasm to an even higher level and help turn Williamson County BLUE this year!

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