
Comment Problems

Posted in Blogging at 8:53 am by wcnews

If you’re having problems posting comments at EOW, don’t worry we haven’t stopped accepting them. We recently updated our blogging software, WordPress, and believe the problem is related to that. We are working on this to get it fixed ASAP, thanks for bearing with us. We will post when this is fixed to let everyone know the comments are working.

In the meantime if you need to get in touch, email us at wcnews(at)eyeonwilliamson(dot)com.


  1. dembones said,

    April 25, 2008 at 1:51 pm

    Problem is fixed at 4/25/2008 1:49pm.

    I had put in some anti-comments-spam hacks into the web site code that broke when we upgraded to the latest version. Sorry for any inconvenience.


  2. Eye on Williamson » Comment Problem Fixed said,

    April 25, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    […] you for you patience, see here for […]

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