
The Texas Republican Party Builds Walls

Posted in Commentary, Election 2006 at 10:29 am by wcnews

As the Texas GOP professes their new-found dislike of their previous favorite Democrat turned Republican, and “their top vote-getter” in 2002, they allow their new favorite Democrat turned Republican to slide on the biggest tax increase in Texas history. Of course OTG’s own ambition always comes first so she says that none of this bothers her now:

“I could not be more thrilled than to be running as a Texas independent,” she said. “I shall die as a Texas independent — but no time soon.”

But as I said Friday the GOP convention’s main goal was to take the “wing-nuts’” minds off of Perry’s tax-swap and rev up the “wing-nuts” with talk of the border and wall-building. The two U.S. Senators from Texas summed it up the best:

But both U.S. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn reminded the delegates that Republicans need to support Bush and stand together or they will lose elections this fall.

“We have never had so much to lose, and we have never had so far to fall,” Hutchison said.

“Republicans across the county are facing a tough year. The only way we will lose is if we are divided.”

Cornyn said Republicans should not turn away from Bush.

“It’s popular in some quarters in Washington, D.C., to separate yourself from the president,” Cornyn said. “It’s important to remember how much we’ve accomplished so far during his administration.”

Let’s not focus on the fact that out

It is important. The Bill of Rights suffers more and more everyday with Bush in office and with the support of these two enablers. But more important is the fact that the Texas GOP is rallying their supporters around fear and hate.

Governor Perrry on the other hand wants us to answer a question, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” And he’s serious. Vince Leibowitz has a tally of some of Perry’s accomplishments(?) over the last four years:

We all know we are miles behind where we were four years ago thanks to Perry and the GOP-dominated legislature. So, I’ll leave you with this, as sort of a point to ponder:

‘Tort Reform’
2003 Budget
Tuition Deregulation
Marriage Amendment
Less Money for State Parks
Tom DeLay

Ponder that.

I think this shows the state of the GOP Party. They have nothing to offer the people of Texas, they can only pander to the worst in people. They’re into building walls when bridges are needed. Not across the border but of like-minded Texans who are seeking unity and solutions as opposed to fear and hate. It may sound corny but it’s true.

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