
Windham Fundraiser Brings In $2,500

Posted in Commentary, Commissioners Court, Election 2008, Precinct 3, Williamson County at 9:20 am by wcnews

Greg Windham Democratic candidate for County Commissioner Precinct 3 raised $2,500 at his fundraiser last week.  Windham has been running a very enthusiastic campaign and he’s also using online tools very well. He’s got a web site, blog, (see links above) and has been using YouTube as well. He’s posted his most recent comments from the June 17th commissioners court meeting.

Windham’s fundraising numbers are impressive and show a couple of things. He’s getting contributions, and votes, from Republicans, or maybe now they’re former Republicans. As EOW has said it’s not that they’ve become Democrats necessarily, maybe they’re Independents. Either way, given an opportunity to vote for someone other than they same ‘ol incumbent they are taking it. It could also be those that were Independent voters already or Democrats that were voting Republican that now, given a choice, will vote for a Democrat. Greg himself has said he voted for George Bush but realized he’d been lied to and now know all of this must end. Windham will have the support of Democrats in Precinct 3, but getting Independents and getting Republicans who feel their party has left them, will be key.

The GOP in Williamson County is an elitist bunch that feels they are entitled to every office in this county. They shed and shun anyone who questions their authority. They look down their noses at Democrats and anyone, even those inside their party, that don’t acquiesce and toe their line. So it’s no surprise that they’ve driven voters away. It’s become common knowledge that Democratic candidates get treated with disdain, at community forums and meetings by their GOP counterparts. The GOP candidates have an heir about them as if to say of the Democratic candidate, why are you even here, or why are you even running? Only to have many in the audience come up to the Democratic candidate afterward thanking them for being their and presenting another side. And there’s always the tale of those telling the candidate that they’re really a Democrat, but don’t tell anyone.

It’s just a reminder because certainly the disdain will continue for our 2008 candidates. We must also remember who got us into the mess we’re in. And if this current crop of GOP candidates keeps getting elected in Williamson County nothing will change, for the better, anytime soon.

P.S. The WCGOP’s former golden boy goes to court next Wednesday.

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