
Educators Say No To Investing Pension Funds In Toll Roads

Posted in Around The State, Education, Good Stuff, Transportation at 4:44 pm by wcnews

AAS has the story, Educators’ association: Put brakes on toll road investments.

The Association of Texas Professional Educators put out a statement today on possible teacher pension fund investments in toll roads and other infrastructure projects. The statement is an apparent response to a recent proposal by the state’s political leadership to establish a state infrastructure investment fund to help pay for Texas roads and infrastructure.


The state’s largest educators’ group will urge the trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas tomorrow to maintain their independence from state budget matters and not to invest the pension fund in politically influenced toll road projects across Texas.

The 112,000-member Association of Texas Professional Educators opposes the use of the multibillion-dollar fund as a potential tool for furthering political ventures.

It’s good to see educators getting our front early on this. Click link above for full statement.

1 Comment »

  1. Eye on Williamson » GOP/Perry Hack Appointed To Number Two Position At TRS said,

    September 22, 2008 at 12:11 pm

    […] Texas Professional Educators (ATPE) opposition to investing teacher retirement funds in toll roads, Educators Say No To Investing Pension Funds In Toll Roads. Investing Teacher Retirement System (TRS), as well as Employee Retirement System (ERS) - all […]

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