
Thirty days out, Maldonado has $278K, Daniel only $19K

Posted in Election 2008, Good Stuff, HD-52, Money In Politics, Williamson County at 11:18 am by dembones

This news is going to cause absolute panic in the Speaker’s office. The groundswell of financial support for Diana Maldonado has given the Democratic candidate for House district 52 enough of a cash advantage to guarantee her message will reach voters between now and election day. In a race that is being watched from Washington to Midland, today’s Texas Ethics Commission reports represent perhaps the most stern rebuke of the Republican party that we’ve witnessed during this remarkable campaign season.

Powered by hundreds of small, individual donors, Maldonado brought in $227,293.75 during the 87-day reporting period just ended. Republican opponent Bryan Daniel raised $84,874.34, more than one-third, $30,000, coming from home builder Bob Perry and his wife Doylene.

Both campaigns spent money at a strong pace during the period. Maldonado spending $79,996.58 and Daniel $74,831.27. However, the cash on hand for Maldonado dwarfs Daniel’s $278,368.50 to $19,142.36. That advantage is better than 14-to-1.

The cash will be used to help Maldonado promote her record on the RRISD school board and at the State Comptroller’s office, and lay out her priorities for District 52. Internal polling has shown that voters who are given a chance to evaluate Maldonado’s qualifications are inclined to support her. Cash is not the only determining factor in the success of a campaign; however, with a candidate of Maldonado’s stature, hoisted on the shoulders of hundreds of individual contributors (including Austin filmmaker Richard Linklater, who chipped in $500, by the way), this cash advantage will be decisive.

Voters of District 52, long suffered under the “representation” of the toll road warrior Mike Krusee, there’s less than a month until your nightmare ends.


  1. GoneFishing said,

    October 7, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    While I’m a HD-52 resident and a Maldanado supporter, I have to point out that just because Daniel has considerably less $ than Diana at 30-day filing, don’t assume it will stay that way. The Speaker NEVER panics. Craddick and Co have been analyzing those filing reports like everyone else. And now that they know where the holes are in financing for “their candidates,” they will go about systematically filling those holes. Look for Daniel to do incredibly well in fundraising in the next few days. The direct mailers he’s sent out so far is nothing compared to what we’ll see from him in the next month.

  2. Eye on Williamson » HD-52 fundraising follow up said,

    October 9, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    [...] the candidates in HD-52, Maldonado raises much more money than Daniel. As EOW reported Tuesday, Maldonado has $278K, Daniel only $19K, much of the GOP candidates money comes from GOP sugar daddy Bob “swift boat” Perry, [...]

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