
Windham refutes Covey/WCGOP smear ad

Posted in Had Enough Yet?, Precinct 3, Williamson County at 1:00 pm by wcnews

When a candidate see’s the issues running against them they have to try and change the subject. Therefore it is not surprising that Valerie Covey and the WCGOP would make this attempt. You can view the smear ad and listen to Greg Windham’s reaction to it here. Windham has a press release [.doc] refuting the charges as well. An excerpt:

I am not surprised that the Republican Party would release this video and present it as facts. The video was cut, chopped, dubbed, and taken out of context to attempt to smear my character and divert the public’s attention away from the issues that are pertinent to this campaign.

This does nothing to change the fact that Covey wants to build a toll road through Western Williamson County, that benefits her campaign contributors. By bringing this up, this late, it must mean that Covey sees her campaign is in deep trouble on the issues. It also doesn’t change the fact that if Covey is returned to office, nothing changes. SH 29 is expanded, and the farm and ranch land passed down from generation to generation will be taken from families, and paved over. The question is, will this cause voters to change their vote? Not likely. As we see at the national level when times get tough the issues matter, and smear tactics lose their effectiveness. The voters in Precinct 3 understand, that in order to save their land and change the direction of Williamson County, Greg Windham is the only option in the race for commissioner’s race.

1 Comment »

  1. doctorj said,

    October 12, 2008 at 11:41 am

    Tells me all I need to know about Val Covey.
    Diverting the public and medias attention from the issues of the day, to personal attacks. Classless and pathetic, like so many other Republicans…

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