Jaime Lynn outraises Jana Duty in third quarter
More good fundraising numbers for Democratic candidates in Williamson County. Democratic candidate for County Attorney Jaime Lynn out-raised his GOP opponent Jana Duty in the third quarter by nearly $11,000 says his campaign press release. Quoting from the release:
In the last two months challenger Jaime McCain Lynn has raised $16, 914.88, nearly eleven thousand more than incumbent Jana Duty. Jaime says that he is “Incredibly flattered and encouraged by the overwhelming wave of support my campaign has enjoyed. It is an incredibly favorable reflection on our campaign to have such bi-partisan recognition of the need for improved leadership in the County Attorney’s office. After all, when was the last time a Democratic candidate out-raised a Republican incumbent in Williamson County during any reporting period?
It’s been a while, that’s for sure. Lynn stating that “..more serious questions arose following Jana Duty’s most recent campaign finance report”, because the now infamous $40,000 loan she made to her campaign has disappeared form her ethics filing. Lynn states “that voters deserve an answer.” He also say, ‘”This race is a simple one. It’s about doing what’s right!” Jaime said.’ Click here to read the full press release.