
Candidate forum in Round Rock tonight, only Democrats will attend

Posted in County Attorney, District 31, Election 2008, Precinct 1, Take Action, Williamson County at 5:07 pm by wcnews

From this RRL article, Local Democrats saying Republicans avoiding attendance at forums, we find out there’s a candidate forum in Round Rock tonight, and another one on the 28th of October:

Two forums for local candidates are scheduled for this week and next, during the early-voting period leading up to the Nov. 4 general election.

Both forums are open to the general public.

• On Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. the Greater Round Rock West Neighborhood Association is sponsoring a candidate forum at Grace Lutheran Church, located at the intersection of Round Rock West Drive and Bluff Drive.

• On Thursday, Oct. 28 the Round Rock Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring an 11:30 a.m. power lunch and political forum at the Baca Center, 301 W. Bagdad St. The luncheon costs $15 for Chamber members and $20 for the general public, with reservations due at the Chamber of Commerce (255-5805) by Monday, Oct. 27 at noon.

More from the article.

A war of words is heating up some Williamson County political races, with Democrats accusing Republicans of ducking debates and Republicans denying the claim.

Last week Hutto Democrat Brian Ruiz - campaigning for the U.S. Rep. District 31 seat held by Round Rock Republican John Carter - took Carter to task for having a schedule “too full” to include a congressional debate.

“I’m disappointed. Mr. Carter has refused to debate in the past,” Ruiz said in a news release, referring to the 2006 campaign when Carter declined to debate Democratic challenger Mary Beth Harrell.

In similar fashion Jaime Lynn - Democratic candidate for Williamson County Attorney - recently unloaded on Republican incumbent Jana Duty.

” …despite her prior refusal I challenge my opponent, Jana Duty, to a public debate,” Lynn said in a press release.

“I don’t believe she is ducking us. I believe she’s ducking the citizens of Williamson County,” Lynn campaign manager Braden Frame said when contacted Friday.

Here are their excuses.

“We had a debate and he did not show up,” Carter campaign manager Jared Weaver said Friday, referring to a February event in Killeen sponsored by military veterans.

But Ruiz campaign manager April Shapley said Carter missed a veterans forum in Killeen just last month.

“An event before the primary is not nearly as important as an event before the election,” she said. “I could understand [missing a debate] if Congress was in session, but for the last three weeks they’re not.”


Duty and her assistant Vicki Vickers each said the incumbent County Attorney is not ducking anything - but that she has scheduling conflicts each of those days.


Precinct 1 Commissioner Lisa Birkman said she has the same scheduling conflicts as Duty and therefore will not be attending the Oct. 21 and 28 forums.

Hopefully their schedules will be wide open come 2009. Accountability comes in November.

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