
Reader mail - cool picture

Posted in Commentary, Election 2008, Presidential Election, Williamson County at 11:12 am by wcnews

Received Friday evening:

We just returned from a day in Fredericksburg and as we drove down our street, we noticed every Obama sign was missing or torn apart. This happened sometime between 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. today in broad daylight. This is the third time this has happened and it is very frustrating and infuriating. All the McCain signs remain in place and untouched. But every Obama sign is gone! I thought this was a country that valued free speech. Evidently Republicans in Williamson County do not understand or value our rights and continue to break the law by coming onto citizen’s laws and stealing our property. We do not retaliate in any way and believe you have a right to place a sign in your yard even if we don’t agree with your choice of candidate. You may take my sign but you can never take away my vote for Obama!

-ER, Milwood

I like what this Austin women did, via KXAN (w/video), Woman paints lawn after
sign is stolen

After the Barack Obama sign was stolen from her front yard, Shannon Bennett painted a more permanent one with 12 cans of spray-paint and her front lawn as the canvas. “I just wanted to be able to say who I support, without being censored, which is how I felt when my sign was taken,” said Bennett. She painted a large, red, white, and blue symbol in the front yard, using her old Obama sign as an inspiration.

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